Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heartbreaking/Joyful Weekend

Just like the title, it had been a heartbreaking weekend for me.
Firstly is because of the earth quake and tsunami in Japan. Which made me feel that we are nearer and nearer to the end of the world ! Made me feel that humans are so powerless, we are only a toy in God's hands, he can take us away at anytime he want to .. Its so Freaking pathetic and scary ! Yes,I'm so scared of dead ! I'm so scared if we were walking on the street and out of a sudden being flushed away by a big big wave and might bump into a a building or tree or drowned ? How will we feel ? What if we won't even have a chance to ask for help? Oh gosh, i have got so many questions that no one will be able to give me the answer :(
So i have decided to live happily while we can and not complaining/emo as long as i can ! Com'n , i won't have enough time for that isn't it?

Secondly, i lost my phone. Which i just got it less than 1 year ago ! It's my second time of losing a phone. The 1st time was stolen in a public bus in indo. This time round must had left it in the cab :(
I was still hoping that the kind soul who picked up my phone might call and return it to me ! He/she can easily found bby's number in the phone book. But now i know that its not easy to meet a kind-hearted ppl , maybe 1 of 10.000 . I'm 1 of the 9999 o.O

Well, since i promised to live happily from now on, today considered a fruitful day for me but confirmed NOT for bby :) Cos he has to fork out for a iphone4 for me. At the same time he lost a chance to get a new phone for himself. Because 1 of the line was used for the phone which i have just lost and still got a 1 year contract ahead. The other line have been used for my new phone !Poor boy o.O

Enough talking, photo spam ahead ~

Taken on last sat, just want for show off my newly bought chio leopard prints earrings ! LOL

Today, on our way to chinatown for 油鸡面

We patronize this stall frequently. There is a same brand restaurant located a few shops away which is running by the brother of the boss. But not as delicious as this one. So make sure u go to the right place. This original restaurant looks more old school and located at the corner of the row.

Just opposite of Hong Lim Complex 
Bby getting us chilies 

Supper yummeh !!!
Drove over to PS for the phone ~

While waiting for our turn at M1
Went downstairs for snacks : )

Bby Having "kue" for snack
And Char Siew Bao for me : )
i got it !
Went Bedok to visit baron cos needed his help for a lil bit DIY for the phone : ) hee
Then it was about dinner time when we reached back Amk, So we went over Amk Centre for chix rice.

Pathetic portion for the price!
We always have our dinner arnd 8, so i'm sure we will go for supper later cos today's was taken rather early.
Well, another excuse for supper -.-"
Com'n ! Eat while u can ! Cheers !

Bye !

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