We people may dream, wish and plan. But all of the decisions are still in God's hand. I hate seeing people blame you, blame her, blame god, blame themself while they are down or facing problem.
Yes. People don't always positive thinking, especially while there is problem, quarrelling, or by letting our mind run wild. But you got limited time to do that, you may go out and drink yourself silly, you may lock yourself up and crying your lung out. But after that you gotta think, or plan whats your next step. Not that you just repeating the same old sentences every single time you in trouble. People around you are in such a difficult position. Our heart pain by seeing you self-abased. We try to comfort you but you take as a chance and continue in your shit mood. We try to scold you up but you will say nobody understand your feeling right now, bla bla bla ( you are still being self-abased ). So wtf you expect us to do ? Pity on you and offer a helping hand ? WE DID ! We heart aching on what you experienced and facing. We helps you because we love you, we won't let you face all of those shits alone. Based on my conscience i dare to say i did my best to help you and haven't fail before ! I'm not asking for credits here. I just want you to know that you are not alone.
I cried the whole night just because of you quarrel with gf.
My heart aches seeing you feel like shit, no passion for live, lost.
I feel bad everytime hearing you complain about live and financial problem. I keep telling myself there must be a lot of thing that i can do for you, i got to do even if there are not. I know you were not asking me for money, you just need somebody to listen to you. I'm here as always.
My heart pain when i see things doesn't goes as your planning after you tried so hard.
I feel bad when i see you worked so hard but things screwed.
Its because of i love you.
But back to reality, most of the things are not beyond my control. If you refuse to think positive, you continue self-abased, i can't do anything. Everything is possible if there is will. Try again, try again, and again. Just believe that God is fair to everyone. I know life is hard for you right now, but don't give up so easily alright ? There are still a lot of people out there who poorer then us. Don't ever compare life with someone better, but do compare life with someone poorer. I know you might not even see this post. But if you happened to see this, i just want you to know. I love you my bro.
Nobody could help you if you refuse to help yourself.